Customers report significant annual savings over diesel with Orange EV electric trucks.

  • 90% Fuel savings: Electricity is the most efficient vehicle fuel available on the market today.
  • 100% Engine and Powertrain savings: No engine and no transmission means no repairs or replacements needed.
  • 95% Brake Maintenance savings: Regenerative braking recharges the battery and saves wear and tear on traditional brakes.
  • 100% Emissions Control savings: All-electric zero emissions trucks require no emissions control equipment and no time wasted with a diesel regen cycle.

With moderate use your operation can save $20,000-$40,000 per truck annually. With heavier use you can save $40,000-$90,000 per truck annually.

Full TCO model available to help quantify cost benefits of shift to Orange EV electric trucks. Contact Us!

Use More – Save More: Costs at every site are different based factors like fuel price, labor rates, and truck usage. But regardless of where you are, the more you use your Orange EV pure electric terminal truck, the greater your savings will be.

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